The current Skilled Occupation List (SOL) has been replaced. The new SOL will apply to all new General Skilled Migration applications.
From 22 March 2010 there will be changed skills assessment criteria for teachers with Teaching Australia under the General Skilled Migration Program.
There will be i.e. new English language requirements:
From today the MODL (Migration Occupations in Demand List) has been abolished.
Later in 2010 a new SOL (Skilled Occupation List) will be introduced to replace the MODL and the CSL (Critical Skills List). This means changes to the current Priority Processing will occur.
The Migration Act will be amended to set a maximum number of visas that may be granted to applicants in any one occupation.
From 01.01.2010 VETASSESS will be changing requirements for skills assessments. These changes relate to managerial, administrative, professional and associate professional occupations.
From 01.01.2010
The financial requirements for a student visa have changed.
From 01.01.2010 International students are required to demonstrate that they have genuine access to sufficient funds to be granted a Student visa.
From 1 January 2010 a fee of A$200.00 is charged for all skilled sponsorship applications lodged with the Government of Western Australia.
From 01.01.2010 the English language requirement for all General Skilled Migration Visas (GSM) will be changed. All applicants who nominate a trade occupation from then on need to demonstrate a minimum of 6.
From 07 November 2009, a visa application charge may be refunded in certain circumstances, when an associated sponsorship or nomination application is refused (subclass 457 visa).
A new direction to the priority processing rules comes into effect on 23 September 2009.
As hitherto, ENS and RSMS applications will be processed with highest priority by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).
Australia´s population is expected to increase to 35 million people by the year 2049. Currently the population is approx. 23 million people.
This would represent an increase of 55% over the next 30 years.
The new Australian citizenship test will see potential new citizens assessed on their understanding of Australian civics and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship rather than undergoing a general knowledge quiz about Australia.
Market Salary Rates Arrangements
From 14 September 2009 Market Salary Rates requirements are introduced to (subclass 457) Business Long Stay Visa applications.
From 14 September 2009, the Educational visa will no longer be available. Educational workers seeking to be employed in Australia on a temporary basis should consider applying for a Business (Long Stay) (subclass 457) visa.
The IELTS test required for most student visa applications can be done even after lodgement of the visa application. This news results from a recent court decision. The IELTS test now has to be done by the date of the decision about the visa application.
In 2007-2008 121 221 people / immigrants from more than 185 countries were conferred with Australian citizenship.
2007/2008 erhielten 121221 Einwanderer aus mehr als 185 Nationen die australische Staatsbürgerschaft/ den australischen Pass.
This is the final opportunity for all pre 1 September 2007 GSM applicants to lodge a capital investment.
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