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Government Licensed Immigration Agency

Press Releases

Autumn seminars were a great success

Again this autumn, Sydney Migration International hosted its beloved Australia seminars. Our workshops in Frankfurt and Munich with the title “Upgrade your Lifestyle” as well as our business workshop “Doing business in Australia” were once again fully booked. We want to thank all participants for their interest and for actively taking part in the workshops.

The participants of the workshops were extensively informed about the different visa options for Australia.

Australia Seminar Nov 2017 Bigger 1

Entrepreneurs, owners of family businesses and freelancers were especially fascinated by the possibility of a “Branch out” to Australia. In the “Doing business”-workshop the foundation of an Australian subsidiary company was also explained in detail.

Particular attention was also paid to the recent Australian visa reforms. This helped to update the participants about Australia’s current visa policy and to counteract the uncertainty of many seminar participants, resulting from misleading information circulating in the internet.

Of course, the topic “General Skilled Migration” was also covered extensively in the workshops.

Australia Seminar Nov 2017 Bigger 2

Furthermore, the participants received many information concerning taxation, superannuation and health insurance in Australia.

On top, every participant could get individual advice from our migration experts, including a free short visa assessment.  

Australia Seminar Nov 2017 Bigger 3

Once again, we would like to thank all seminar participants for their attendance. We cannot wait to host our next seminars in spring!

Book now and secure your place - simply click below:

Upgrade Your Lifestyle icon



Our Migration Agents just welcomed the 1000th participant

This March again, Sydney Migration International hosted its popular seminar “Living and working in Australia”.
With a wide range of interactive presentations, our experienced Migration Agents introduced the specifics of living and working in Australia to the seminar participants and informed them about current Australian visa updates.
This year’s seminar mainly focussed different visa options for professionals, family businesses, self-employed persons and freelancers.

AU Seminar March 2017 9

In addition, the seminar hosts also provided many useful and practice-oriented information concerning the Australian way of life and the local job market. Furthermore, there was enough time for personal discussion with other seminar participants and for individual talks with our migration agents.
We are proud that our seminar was again fully booked and that we could welcome the thousandth seminar participant this year.

AU Seminar March 2017 1

We wish to thank all those who attended for their active participation and the positive feedback and we are looking forward to our next Australia seminars later this year.

We would be delighted to welcome you in one of our seminars!

Book now and secure your place – simply click below:

Migration Seminars icon




AU Seminar March 2017 6













Australian Business Conference in Europe


Business meets Diplomacy was the motto of a conference hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce on the 20th of March 2017.

During the conference, the participants were informed about the multiple business opportunities which Australia provides for businesses. Both, the Australian ambassador to Germany, H.E. Ms Lynette Margaret Wood and Herr German counterpart, Dr. Anna Elisabeth Prinz, attended the conference as speakers.

During the event, our director Alexander Walke took the opportunity to discuss with both ambassadors and the business representatives about the business opportunities in Australia and relevant visa solutions for investors and entrepreneurs.

Migration Agent Sydney

The numerous conversations revealed that both, large companies as well as small and medium sized enterprises are highly interested in realising business projects in Australia. Numerous work visa solutions and investor business visa classes are available to fit the need of businesses.

Sydney Migration International and its Migration Agents support your business in realising your business projects in Australia. We offer detailed solutions specifically designed to support your business strategy.

Contact our migration agents in Sydney:



Migration Seminars 2016 - Updates from our Migration Agents


This autumn again, Sydney Migration International hosted its popular Living and Working in Australia seminars.
In the course of interactive presentations, our experienced Migration Agents could provide factual and practical information.

This year’s seminars mainly focused different visa options for professionals, craftsmen and self-employed persons. Further focal points included permanent residency in Australia, as well as the 457 self-sponsorship visa. Moreover, the possibilities of dual citizenships and the new entrepreneur visa for Australia were intensively discussed with the seminar participants.

k 2016 11 20 Pictures AUS Seminar in FRA Nov 2016 2

In the course of the seminars, the contents and covered topics were specifically tailored to the interests and wishes of the seminar participants. The individual opportunities and questions of the participants could also be discussed in several individual conversations with our experts. In addition, each participant also had the opportunity for a free Australian visa assessment.

k 2016 11 20 Pictures AUS Seminar in FRA Nov 2016 13


The Sydney Migration International team would like to thank all attendees for their lively participation and their positive feedback. We are happy to offer more seminars in March this year:

Book your seat now from here.



Migration Seminars 2015 – Autumn seminars were a great success.

We wish to thank all those who attended our 2015 Australian Migration Seminars. Each seminar was fully booked, and there was energetic participation from all attendees.

Immigration Lawyer Shane Welsh also attended and assisted in introducing current visa updates and strategies available to participants. This included information ranging from self-sponsorship and skilled-migration through to state-sponsorship. Shane also assisted seminar participants in private discussions understanding the range of potential opportunities available for Australian migration.

The autumn seminars covered all relevant visa topics, for example the bridges between residency, permanent residency and citizenship, and included an informative follow up discussion. This allowed individuals to expand their knowledge and understanding of the visa process.

We have received lots of positive feedback and look forward to working with you all in the future. 




Migration Seminars 2014

Sydney Migration International in partnership with New Zealand Migration International and the Victorian Government recently finished a number of Migration Seminars in Europe which were aimed at skilled professionals and business and investor migrants with an interest in living, working or investing in Australia and New Zealand.

Several informative and interactive presentations as well as in-depth discussions were delivered in Frankfurt and Stuttgart and attended by Victorian Skilled and Business Migration Manager, Mr Zane Rebronja. Mr. Rebronja had previously worked with Sydney Migration International in November 2013 for a similar event.

With the recent Federal Budget announced, the Australian Government is looking at maintain its intake of skilled professionals and overseas-skilled workers to fill the huge skills shortages and skills in demand in Australia. As with 2013, Australian States, including New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland are actively seeking entrepreneurs, skilled business people and professionals to live and work the respective locations.

Victorian Skilled and Business Migration Manager, Mr Zane Rebronja, said that the lifestyle and opportunities that are offered in Victoria confirm just why this location has been voted the Most Liveable State three years in row. Victoria – as well as other States and Territories – offer comprehensive support to migrant’s new arrivals wishing to settle in Australia.

Mr Alexander Walke of Sydney Migration International comments: “With the Australian Government announcing that skilled professionals are still needed, now is a fantastic time to make the change. Both skilled professionals, business owners and investors are in demand.”

Mr Walke also announced that the Migration International Group will soon open a new branch in Victoria. “Melbourne Migration International, based in CBD Melbourne, will serve our clients in Melbourne, Victoria and South Australia.

Mr Rebronja said Sydney Migration International’s seminars provided detailed, professional information to attendees in an easy-to-understand, no-nonsense manner. These seminars, and the responses we have seen so far, only strengthen the ties between Australia and Germany. We were thankful to be again involved.”

The Victorian Government and Sydney Migration International are currently planning further events in Europe for late 2014 and early 2015.

More information about the registry is available at:



Migration Seminars 2013 a Success!

Sydney Migration International wrapped up a series of Migration Seminars in Germany, Austria and Switzerland which were aimed at professionals with an interest in living and working in Australia and New Zealand.

Eight seminars of exciting and interactive presentations and roundtable discussions got underway in November in Berlin. Seminars in Frankfurt and Stuttgart were attended by Victorian Skilled and Business Migration Manager, Mr Zane Rebronja. 

Ms Nina Majling from Sydney Migration International said “currently Australia seeks to grant approx. 190,000 permanent residency visa per year; accordingly skilled professionals and entrepreneurs are in high demand”. Ms Majling confirmed that Australian States including New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland are seeking entrepreneurs, skilled business people and professionals to live and work in Australia.

Victorian Skilled and Business Migration Manager, Mr Zane Rebronja, said the events were a perfect opportunity to speak to highly qualified professionals about the lifestyle and opportunities that are on offer in Victoria, as well as the occupations currently in demand across the state. “It was great to come to Germany with Sydney Migration International and talk to groups of highly skilled ICT professionals, engineers and other professionals, who are all in high demand in Victoria”, Mr Rebronja said

Mr Alexander Walke said: “Over 100,000 Germans have migrated to Australia since 1960 and with 18,000 Germans who have settled in the last decade in Australia, Germany is the third largest source of permanent migrants from Europe after the UK and Ireland.”

Mr Rebronja said Sydney Migration International’s seminars were comprehensive with information presented to attendees in an easy-to-understand manner. “They reinforced the message about Australia’s enduring popularity as a migrant destination and its economic strength, particularly when compared to the troubled Eurozone. We were thankful to be involved.”

The Victorian Government and Sydney Migration International are currently planning further events in Europe for 2014.

More information about the registry is available at:

Press release from the Victorian Government:

Seminars & Conferences
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Upgrade Your Lifestyle

08. October 2025

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Upgrade Your Lifestyle

22. September 2025

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